Update:Official Client Update - July 2024 (2025)

This official news post is copied verbatim from the Old School RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 24 July 2024.


  • 1 Official HD and SD Modes
  • 2 Plugin API
  • 3 Upcoming Client Features
  • 4 Mobile UI Rework
  • 5 Legacy Java Deprecation
  • 6 Jagex Accounts and Jagex Launcher

Time for another update on the official client!

It’s been a little while since we last checked in on our official client team’s progress, so today we’d like to look at some of the features and improvements they’ve been working on!

At this year’s Winter Summit we announced an official HD Mode and the Client Plugin API, two core features which will bring the official client in line with the expectations set by other approved third-party clients like RuneLite and HDOS. Even better, you’ll be able to experience these features on Mobile for the first time, making it even easier to switch between platforms while you’re on the go!

The video below summarises all you need to know:

If you can't see the video, click here.

We’ll have even more information about these exciting features at this year’s Summer Summit, but for now, let us give you an update on all things client-side!

Official HD and SD Modes

It’s official: HD is coming to desktop and mobile – and so is SD mode, which offers the same Old School look you know and love. Whichever mode you choose, we're working hard to ensure you see improvements to your gameplay experience. We’ve had a really positive reaction to this update, and the team are equally excited to bring it to you!

Currently, they’re working hard to ensure the core HD experience is in a great place. They’ve been sharpening their tools to illuminate the game world, which will give each area unique lighting characteristics.

Performance is another big issue on the table. There’s no point having a lovely shiny world that stutters the whole time you’re exploring it! We’re ensuring that both HD and SD modes are optimised for performance on all core platforms, so you can enjoy either mode on whichever platform you prefer. This has meant that delivery is taking a bit longer than expected, but we think it’s well worth taking our time over.

Behind-the-scenes, we’ve released an internal Beta so the Old School Team can try HD mode out on a variety of different devices. It’s critical that we get plenty of internal feedback before we let you all try HD for yourselves – especially when it comes to ensuring that these new modes function in a way that doesn’t limit gameplay.

Plugin API

The Winter Summit also brought the news of our official Plugin API, which will also be coming to both desktop and mobile platforms. This is our attempt to build a collection of useful and fun plugins, much like the RuneLite Plugin Hub you know.

What you might not know is that since this announcement, we’ve been working with some of the most well-known client developers and plugin makers to ensure the experience of creating, uploading & publishing Plugins is up to scratch! We’ve set up an area where they can chat with us at any point during testing and give their feedback on the latest updates.

We’re thrilled to be working with people who’ve been making plugins for so long and doing it so well. They know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and their input has really helped shape the project. As we speak, they’re busy giving their feedback on the latest version of the API Documentation, which details how to set up plugins and how to run them on our client.

As we mentioned at the Summit, we hope to give everyone the opportunity to create and share their own plugins using our API – which means making the whole process as safe as possible. That’s why our next milestone is about Moderation, which will help us determine how we can keep community-made plugins safe for use in the wider game. Our fantastic plugin makers will be on hand throughout!

Speaking of, they’ll have the chance to start creating plugins through our API very soon. On launch, you should be able to use all the staples you can’t live without – and part of that work is identifying which plugins those are! We’d love to hear your feedback on this point, so please do share your favourites with us.

Upcoming Client Features

Over the last few years, we’ve given you some core improvements to the official client on desktop and mobile such as Tile Markers, Ground Item Overlays and XP Trackers. With the Plugin Hub on the way, we want to make sure you know the difference between a plugin and a client feature.

While a core client feature and a plugin could potentially offer the same benefits, core client features are baked into the client itself and work straight out of the box, without the need to install a separate plugin or to visit our version of the Plugin Hub. Instead, you'll visit the in-game settings and tweak the options from there.

In fact, we’ve got some highly requested core features coming very soon. They are:

  • Hi-Scores: View the Hi-Scores in-game and access a variety of other data.
  • New Minimenu Changes: This feature will give you the option to have sub-menus inside the Minimenu, giving you an easier time when selecting what you want something to do.
  • Menu Entry Swapper: Swap around what your left-click/single-tap does on an item or NPC and where in the Minimenu each option goes.
  • Bank Tags: Tag the items inside your Bank and make them much easier to sort and find!

... and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

When it comes to core features, the sky’s the limit. We’re always interested in hearing your requests, so keep 'em coming!

Mobile UI Rework

Everything we've spoken about today will also be coming to mobile, which means that in the near future you’ll have access to HD and SD Mode, Plugins, and upcoming Client Features wherever you go! In addition, we’re also making changes to ensure the Mobile experience is much closer to that of the Desktop Client.

Last month we launched a Beta for the newest Mobile UI improvements, which has brought us closer than ever to achieving parity between the clients. The reactions were overwhelmingly positive, and we’re proud to announce that we’re in the final stages of ensuring that the latest Mobile client is the best one yet.

For more information and a handy guide including what features were present in the Beta, check out this newspost.

One of the biggest changes was the introduction of Hotkeys, which allow you to customise your experience on Mobile, similar to the F-Keys on Desktop.

You can save multiple Hotkey loadouts for different activities, assign any side-stone to the buttons you use most, and change key features like tap-to-walk, NPC Highlights, and Tile Markers.

This has meant moving the core side-stones to the right-hand side to accommodate the new Hotkeys, but you’ll have the option to choose which side they open from. No need to relearn all that muscle memory!

We’d also like to thank the more than 1,000 players who’ve signed up to be interviewed about their Mobile experience. We’re in the middle of interviewing a select handful to gauge their feelings about our newest UI. At the same time, the team is busy fixing some of the smaller pieces of feedback from the Beta. Thanks to your fantastic feedback, we’re certain that the new Mobile UI will launch in the right place.

Lastly, we know that for those of you with Jagex Accounts, switching characters on Mobile can be a chore. We’re aware of this issue, and we’re actively working on a way to make this process much smoother.

Legacy Java Deprecation

Finally, let’s talk about what these plans mean for the Legacy Java Client – and to clarify, we’re talking about our own official one, not RuneLite or other third-party, Java-based clients.

A few years ago we released the C++ Client on Steam, and then the Jagex Launcher. With this release, the Java Client became the Legacy Java Client, while the C++ became the Official Client. Those with the Legacy Java Client installed have still been able to use it, but it is no longer available via the Jagex Launcher.

With the upcoming improvements to the Official Client, we feel it’s time to retire the Legacy Java Client. This isn’t a decision we take lightly, but we have good reasons to do it.

Firstly, there’s the security factor. The Legacy Java Client doesn’t support Jagex Accounts, which means it is by far the least safe way to play the game.

During our research into who was still using the Legacy Java Client, we found quite a lot of malicious activity going on. While there is a small minority of legitimate players, many more are using this Client for botting and other illicit activity. While shutting down the Legacy Java Client won’t put an end to the uphill battle against botting, it will shut down one of the easier avenues these naughty botters use.

Lastly, there’s the issue of maintenance. Now that Java is deprecated, it’s impossible for us to update the Legacy Java Client with the same features we can enable on C++. We could be focusing our efforts on continuing to improve the Official Client and Mobile, rather than providing life support to an outdated and risky client that very few players actually use.

We’ve taken the first step towards removing the Legacy Java Client by telling you it’s happening, and giving the small percentage of Legacy players time to switch over to the Official Client before we get rid of Java for good.

Soon, you’ll need to play via the Official Client, RuneLite, or HDOS. All three clients can be accessed in the Jagex Launcher, which requires a Jagex Account. The good news is that a Jagex Account is the best way to protect all your characters – so switching is great news for everyone.

Jagex Accounts and Jagex Launcher

Jagex Accounts are at the cutting edge of account security, and while it’s up to all of us to stay vigilant and protect our login details, Jagex Accounts make it a whole lot easier.

All players are now able to upgrade their accounts to this new and improved system. With a Jagex Account, you can keep up to 20 separate characters safe and secure under one login. Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security – as long as nobody intercepts the authentication token, your account will be safe.

The majority of reported hijackings of Jagex Accounts are the result of the account holders sharing their login info with third parties and granting them access with an authentication token in the same instance. In comparison, it’s much easier for malicious actors to get hold of a traditional account, with no two-factor authentication.

If you haven’t yet transferred your characters to a Jagex Account, they are at risk – you could lose your items, your hard-earned skills, and even the entire character.

Here are some of the benefits of a Jagex Account:

  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Super-Complex Passwords
  • Email Verification and Notifications
  • Store up to 20 Characters
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Upgraded Defence
  • Easy import of related Characters
  • An additional 20 Bank Spaces, Fancier Boots and Count Check Random Events!

In our most recent survey of 5,000 Jagex Account holders, 95% of them had a positive experience using the new system – and it’s only getting better from here! Thanks to your feedback, we have a wealth of improvements to work on.

If you’re ready to upgrade, then check out the support article or click the box and check out the handy guide below.


That’s a wrap on our latest client update! We’ll be back with more information at this year’s Summer Summit in September, so stay tuned!

If you’d like to share your thoughts on anything we’ve discussed today, you can do so by filling out the survey below.

Official Client Update - Feedback Survey
If you can't see the survey above, click here.

Thank you all so much for your patience and feedback - it's one of the best things about the community and helps us build a game that works for you!

You can also discuss this update on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.

Mods Abe, Abyss, Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, BigRig, Blossom, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Criminal, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Enigma, Errol, Gecko, Gengis, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Harold, Hend, Hooti, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Leebleh, Lenny, Light, Liron, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Necro, Nin, Nox, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Rice, Roq, Ry, Saiyan, Sarnie, Shogun, Shroom, Sigma, Skane, Skylark, Smithy, Sova, Squid, Starry, Suharun, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Tsourorf, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy

The Old School Team.

Update:Official Client Update - July 2024 (2025)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.