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Directed by Lee Eun-hee
I will carry you forever.
On a live music radio show, a letter arrives from the 23 years in the past. Through the letter, the first love and friendships of five friends are revealed.
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- Cast
- Crew
- Details
- Genres
- Releases
Doh Kyung-soo Kim So-hyun Yeon Jun-seok Lee David Joo Ah-reum Park Hae-jun Kim Ji-ho Park Yong-woo Lee Dae-yeon Hwang Seok-jeong Park Jeong-min Lee Beom-soo Hwang Young-hee Park Choong-seon Kim Kwon Im Sung-jae Kim Hyun Yoon Ga-hyun Yun Yeong-keol Lim Cheol-soo
Lee Eun-hee
Choi Ki-sup Jeong Mun-gu Joo Pil-ho Bang Mi-Jung
Han Chang-Hoon Lee Eun-hee Kim Jin-a Hong Chang-pyo
Kim Hyung-ju
Lee Joon-gyoo
Song Jae-wan
Production DesignProduction Design
Lee Hyun-joo
Visual EffectsVisual Effects
Kim Han-joon
Lee Ji-soo
Kim Sin-yong
Costume DesignCostume Design
Lee Jin-suk
Little Big Pictures Jupiter Film
South Korea
Alternative Titles
Genuine, Pure Love, Soonjung, UNFORGETTABLE, As Primeiras Histórias de Amor, 순정, 純情, Чистая любовь, 纯情, As Primeiras Histórias De Amor
Romance Drama
Releases by Date
- Date
- Country
24 Feb 2016
- South Korea12
11 Jun 2016
- JapanPG12
02 Sep 2021
- Brazil12
Releases by Country
- Date
- Country
02 Sep 2021
- Digital12
11 Jun 2016
- DigitalPG12
South Korea
24 Feb 2016
- Theatrical12
113mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page
Popular reviews
Review by oppie ★★★★½ 2
this movie is the reason why i have mental breakdown every time dust in the wind by kansas came on shuffle
Review by lana ★★★★
im an exo-l first and a human being second
Review by carolino dicaprio ★★★½ 1
what is it with kyungsoo and picking movies that are fun and cute at first but after the 1 hour mark everything gets depressing and sad let a girl live ffs
Review by indy ★★★★
my therapist will hear about this
Review by llarissa ★★★★½ 1
kyungsoo chooses his roles for movies that are specifically going to make people cry, if there's anything happy written he throws the script in the bin.
Review by cee ★★★
when he asked her where she wanted to go and he told her he would spend the rest of his life carrying here there LORDDDDD i have depression
Review by doinkdedoink ★★★
there’s a tent in his pants- never thought i’d hear someone say that in reference to kyungsoo
Review by Rohit Kumar . ★★★★★
Right now, I am listening to a Punjabi song with lyrics " Dukh Dasan lage ta tera naam aauga" which roughly translates to " Whenever I'll talk about grief your name would come up". That sums up this film brilliantly. Probably the best film I have seen this year. Amazing tale of friendship of five teenagers. Masterfully directed and heartfully acted. Beautiful cinematography and wonderful score. Not just a film, it felt like someone ripped my heart out. Oh Korean cinema! How badly have I missed you
Review by ㄹ ★★★★
the umbrella kiss kyungsoo i have depression
Review by selin ★★★½
I cried on the plane and it was so embarrassing I thought this was going to be a lighthearted fun movie (still very enjoyable)
Review by L ★★★★
gonna go print photos of my friends now i miss them so much
Review by ℜ ★★★½
Stop watching South Korean movies already god damn it!!!!
- my tear ducts to me, maybe