MEASUREMENT and DATA Kindergarten Math Centers | Worksheets and Activities (2024)

Looking for a NEW way to engage your students in learning math? Creating an Addition Math Cafe or Math "Salad Bar" is an engaging way to hit target skills, ignite the students learning, and free you up to monitor learning or remediate. You can use these Measurement and Data "recipe" cards as task cards, set up a math cafe in your room for easy clean up, or just use the printables in small or whole group.

►What is in this download?


Pg. 1 Cover

Pg. 2 Table of Contents

Pg. 3 Standards

Pg. 4 Suggested Math Instruction Block

Pg. 5-8 Unit 6 Measurement and Data Suggestions, and Links

Pg. 9 Materials List Needed for Activities

Pg. 10-14 Task Cards (“Recipe Cards”) 1 Blank, 1 Teacher Station, 1 Computer Station, 1 ipad Station and the first card to go with pg. 15

Pg. 15-17 Cat Measurement (worksheet, answer key, rulers)

Pg. 18-19 How Long Is It? (Task Cards, Worksheet)

Pg. 20-22 Light and Heavy Sort (Task Cards, Printables)

Pg. 23-26 Tower Building (Task Cards, Printables, answer key)

Pg. 21-23 Bug Match Up (Task Cards, Addition Printables)

Pg. 24-26 Counting Apples(Task Cards, printable & Answer Key)

Pg. 27-32 Write the Room (Task cards, printables that need to but cut and placed in plastic bags to match.)

Pg. 33-34 Scavenger Hunt “Heavier Than…” (Task cards & printable)

Pg. 35-36 Scavenger Hunt “Lighter Than…” (Task cards & printable)

Pg. 37-38 Classify Objects and Count

Pg. 39-41 Coin SORT

Pg. 42-44 Gummy Bear Sort (paper bears are provided, if needed)

Pg. 45-47 Sort Coins by COLOR (paper coins are provided, if needed)

Pg. 48-49 Compare Weight (You need a balance scale for this.)

Pg. 50-53 FLIP IT (You need a Balance Scale and any items in a bin to weight)

Pg. 54-57 CLIP The Tallest (Task cards, Clip Cards & Recording Sheet)

Pg. 58-61 CLIP The Shortest (Task cards, Clip Cards & Recording Sheet)

Pg. 62-67 Measure It! (Measuring Cards, ruler, and recording sheet)

Pg. 68-69 Capacity

Pg. 70-71 Fill It (full capacity, half)

Pg. 72-73 Dab It (You need paint dabbers or markers)

Pg. 74-76 Measurement and Data ASSESSMENT & Answer Key

Pg. 77 Recording Sheet


Pg. 85-86 Capacity Craft

Pg. 87-93 Measurement Posters

Pg. 94-102 Rules, Signs for Set Up

Pg. 103-113 PHOTOS of Set Up

Pg. 114 Answer Key to Gallon Monster

Pg. 115 Credits

Check out the PREVIEW!

⭐ Encourage Critical Thinking Skills

Click HERE for the YOUTUBE VIDEO Tutorial of how to set up your manipulatives.

UNIT 1 Numbers 1-5

UNIT 2 Numbers 1-10

UNIT 3 Sorting and Classifying

UNIT 4 Addition Within 5

UNIT 5 Counting Sets to 20

UNIT 12 Addition Within 10

What is a Math Café?

I like to keep all of my math manipulatives in one place, and hold students responsible for cleaning up after their activity. You can make your Math Café (or Buffet or Salad Bar) out of a bookcase or a rolling cart. A student pulls out the manipulative cart (Café). Students choose a recipe card (task card - with the material list, number of people who can participate in the math activity, picture cues, and directions), choose their partners if required, fill their tray with materials, do the activity anywhere in the room, and easily clean up by using a tray to hold their materials. You float around and take notes. One task card is labeled “Teacher’s Group.” This can be used when you see a student needs extra help with a concept. They will sit with you to review the concept, if you give them the card. There are also ipad, computer and blank recipe cards.

Copyright © 2018 Cindy Martin (Teacher’s Brain)

All rights reserved by author.

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MEASUREMENT and DATA Kindergarten Math Centers | Worksheets and Activities (2024)


What is measurement and data in kindergarten? ›

Children compare and order by length, area, capacity, weight, time, and temperature. They use non-standard measurement tools such as hands and fingers to estimate length, blocks or squares for area, and sand and water for capacity. At the same time, young children are gathering data about the world around them.

What number should kindergarten count to? ›

Kindergarten students learn to write numbers from 0 to 20 (K. CC. 3 ) and represent a number of objects with a written numeral in the 0–20 range (using numerals as symbols for quantities). They understand that 0 represents a count of no objects.

What does kindergarten math look like? ›

In kindergarten, students learn that addition involves combining numbers or adding to them, while subtraction involves breaking down numbers or taking from them. Kindergarteners will learn to fluently add and subtract within 5 and use objects or drawings to solve addition and subtraction word problems within 10.

What is an example of measurement and data? ›

Some examples of quantitative data include distance, speed, height, length and weight. It's easy to remember the difference between qualitative and quantitative data, as one refers to qualities and the other refers to quantities. A bookshelf, for example, may have 100 books on its shelves and be 100 centimetres tall.

What is the best teaching method for kindergarten? ›

How to Teach Kindergarten: 11 Best Tips
  • Creating a Welcoming Environment.
  • Establishing Routines and Expectations.
  • Incorporating Play-Based Learning.
  • Developing Fine and Gross Motor Skills.
  • Fostering Social and Emotional Development.
  • Encouraging Creative Expression.
  • Implementing Technology.
Jul 24, 2024

How long should a kindergarten math lesson be? ›

How long should a kindergarten math lesson be? Kindergarten math lessons should be short, typically lasting about 15 to 20 minutes to match young children's attention spans and keep them engaged.

What is the best way kindergarteners learn? ›

Kids learn through repetition, so read the same favorite books over and over, ask questions, and encourage your child to say simple words aloud. Throughout the day, encourage them to read the words they see on street signs, billboards, and computer screens, or have them search for high-frequency words in a magazine.

What are the most important math skills for kindergarten? ›

Number sense and counting are crucial components of important kindergarten math skills. These foundational abilities are essential for more advanced operations like addition and subtraction. Building on their preschool skills, kindergarteners should be able to count and recognize numbers up to 20.

Should a kindergartener be able to count to 100? ›

Going into the school year, your child may be able to orally count to 10 or beyond. By the end of kindergarten, expect that counting to advance to 100. But don't worry, we're only talking about counting orally. Your kindergartner will not be expected to write all the numbers to 100.

What is math center in kindergarten? ›

Math learning centers are like mini-classrooms or stations you can set up to help students clarify, solidify, and stretch their learning in small groups with active, hands-on activities. They're an excellent opportunity for playful learning and a great supplement to traditional instruction.

What is data definition for kindergarten? ›

Data is a collection of information that we can sort and use to understand things, like how many shoes we own, how many kids in our family have blue eyes, and how many people on planet Earth prefer summer over winter.

How do you explain data to kindergarten? ›

What is data? At the simplest level, it is information that we collect (knowingly or otherwise) about the world. In order to make this information useful, humans need to be able to classify, sort, organize, represent, and interpret it. Our brains collect information constantly.

What is the difference between data and measurement? ›

While data is merely just a number, a metric is a quantitative measurement of data, in relation to what you are actually measuring.

What is measurement data in simple terms? ›

Data in which the values result from measuring, meaning that the values may take on any value within an interval of numbers.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.