5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (2024)

by Carol Davis

The Favorite STEM Challenges are the ones students request to complete over and over! Let’s take a look at a recent vote for our students favorites!

The challenges I am sharing today are the ones kids LOVE and beg to do again – a lot. Like weekly. Like,

“When are we making pancakes again?”

Seriously! So, let’s take a look at the TOP 5 STEM Challenges ever- according to STUDENTS!

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (1)

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Favorite STEM #1 Roller Coasters

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (2)

Of course, this is number ONE! I have not yet found a kid that didn’t love this one. When we use this challenge with kids I have them do some experimenting first and then they get to build a model. I do have rules about the model- it has to have a certain number of turns and loops.

These are fun, kids give them a name, and they absolutely love demonstrating them with the entire class!

Trust me, if one group makes a giant loop, every group will try it. If one group makes a completely vertical drop, then all of them will try it. They just want to have the most outrageous model ever! Total kid fun! (I might add that there is a lot of science involved in this challenge: force and motion, Newton’s Laws, scientific method, and the engineering design process!) More details about Roller Coasters {HERE}.

Favorite STEM #2 – Designing Pancakes

This challenge is number 2, but for some kids, it is even better than roller coasters! I guess the ones that love it must love pancakes! In this one I have kids experiment with different versions of the pancake ingredients and they keep data tables to show results of each trial. In the end, they use the data to determine the best recipe and then we make it.

And eat it. And they bring toppings. And eat until they are groaning! (There is so much science behind this one and math: chemical reactions, measuring liquids and solids, mixing, and cooking!) More details about Pancakes {HERE}.

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (3)

Favorite STEM #3 – Building Boats

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (4)

Every kid loves building boats which makes it #3. I am just not sure why, but they love to build them and watch them sink. We add weights to them and keep track of the number. I know the competition is part of why they love this challenge! It’s super easy to prep for this and the materials for the boat are easy-peasy, too!

I set up a large dishpan of water on a central table and we try floating (and sinking) the boats!

I love this one because kids choose the materials based on using a budget! (Science: floating and sinking, measuring, engineering design process, and budgeting.) More details about Boats {HERE}.

Favorite STEM #4 – Index Card Towers

This challenge seems so simple, but it turns out to be quite challenging. We learn what counter-balancing means rather quickly.

Students have a stack of index cards and must build the tallest tower possible.

These towers are precarious with the slightest movement causing a tragic crash.

Yet, students love it- mainly because of the possibility of building the tallest tower ever!

More about Index Card Towers {HERE}.

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (5)

Favorite STEM #5 – Experimenting with Catapults

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (6)

Coming in at number 5 is Catapults. Kids love these almost as much as roller coasters. First, they experiment with different angles of catapults made by the number of cross beams added to the model. Then that data is used to build models that will launch a projectile the longest distance or over an obstruction. (Yes, I squeezed some science and math into this one, too! It’s: force and motion, Newton’s laws, measuring, averaging numbers, using data, and predicting.)

More about Catapults {HERE}.

So, there you have it! These are the top five STEM challenges we have completed- as voted on by my students. They love them and I made sure they included science and math.


  • 5 Favorite STEM Challenges(According to the Teacher)
  • 5 Best STEM Challenges (According to the Teacher)
  • 5 Best STEM Challenges According to the Students

Our Favorite STEM Materials

5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (8)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (9)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (10)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (11)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (12)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (13)
5 Favorite STEM Challenges! (According to the Students) - Teachers are Terrific (2024)


What are the challenges for STEM? ›

STEM students face various challenges during blended learning. Challenges include difficulties in understanding concepts, lack of focus and attention, problems with assessments, and struggles in problem-solving . Additionally, students encounter self-regulatory issues and find it challenging to learn new technologies .

What makes a good STEM challenge? ›

The best STEM lessons require students to interact with the concept with their hands, whether it be through designing, building, creating, role-playing, or any other inventive and discovery-based process. To be most effective, hands-on activities should mimic a real-world scenario as much as possible.

What are the difficulties in teaching STEM? ›

Student engagement and performance in STEM are declining, but we do not have the supply of qualified teachers we need to improve learning. The STEM curriculum is unbalanced and fragmented, leading to less interest among students.

What are some problems with STEM? ›

Fear of failing and not having the right answer is a common problem of STEM students. Especially if your class is their first STEM experience. In most other courses, students are expected to have the “right” answer.

What makes a successful STEM student? ›

What makes for a successful STEM student? Students should have an aptitude for science and math as well as a desire to improve upon what has come before. Mental flexibility is also an asset, since problem-solving is a main component of engineering, one that requires a creative and open mind.

What are some pros and cons for STEM? ›

Pro: STEM programs challenge students to push their boundaries and develop resilience, preparing them for the demands of higher education and professional careers. Con: The high expectations and rigorous nature of STEM education can create significant stress and pressure for students.

What are the weaknesses of STEM? ›

Disadvantages of STEM Education
  • STEM education can be costly and time-consuming for schools to implement.
  • STEM education can be challenging for students who are not interested in STEM subjects.
  • STEM education can be challenging for teachers who are not comfortable teaching STEM subjects.
Oct 11, 2022

What is one of the main challenges in using stem cells? ›

Manufacturing and contamination issues

Ensuring manufacturing consistency throughout the whole process along with a formal safety assessment of the product are the major challenges faced in stem cell therapy.

What is a problem STEM? ›

Definitions: Problem Stem: the situation for a math word problem without the. question.

Why is STEM so much harder? ›

One major contributor to this perception is the abstract nature of many STEM concepts. Topics such as physics and calculus deal with complex theories that can be difficult to grasp without proper guidance and real-world connections.

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